ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)


The PolarSplineAreaLayer class represents polar spline area layers. PolarSplineAreaLayer is a subclass of PolarAreaLayer.

PolarSplineAreaLayer objects are created by using PolarChart.addSplineAreaLayer.

setTension(Self)Set the tension to use when computing the spline curve.
setAnglesPolarLayerSet the angular coordinates of the data points.
setBorderColorPolarLayerSet the border color for drawing the data on the layer.
setLineWidthPolarLayerSet the line width of lines when drawing the data on the layer.
setDataSymbolPolarLayerUse one of the built-in symbols as the graphics symbol to plot the data points.
setDataSymbol2PolarLayerLoad an image from a file and use it as the graphics symbol to plot the data points.
setDataSymbol3PolarLayerUse a DrawArea object as the graphics symbol to plot the data points.
setSymbolScalePolarLayerSet the size of the symbol for each data point (for creating bubble charts).
setImageMapWidthPolarLayerSet the effective size of a data point for producing image maps.
getImageCoorPolarLayerGet the image map coordinates of a data point.
getHTMLImageMapPolarLayerGenerate the HTML image map for all data points on the layer.
setDataLabelStylePolarLayerEnable data labels and set their styles.
setDataLabelFormatPolarLayerSet the data label format.
addCustomDataLabelPolarLayerAdd a custom data label to a data point.