ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)


The RadialAxis class represents radial axes in polar charts. The radial axis is the axis representing the radius component of a polar coordinate.

In the current version of ChartDirector, RadialAxis is implemented as a special configuration of Axis.

The RadialAxis is obtained by using PolarChart.radialAxis.

setLabelStyleAxisSet the font style used to for the axis labels.
setLabelFormatAxisSet the format for the axis labels for axis labels that are numbers or dates.
setLabelGapAxisSet the distance between the axis labels and the ticks on the axis.
setTitleAxisAdd a title to the axis.
setTitlePosAxisSet the position of the axis title relative to the axis.
setColorsAxisSet the colors of the axis itself, axis label, axis title and axis ticks.
setTickLengthAxisSet the length of the axis ticks.
setTickLength2AxisSet the length of the major and minor axis ticks.
setTickWidthAxisSet the width of the axis ticks.
setTickColorAxisSet the colors of the axis ticks.
setWidthAxisSet the line width of the axis.
setMarginAxisReserve margins at the ends of the axis.
setIndentAxisSpecify if the axis should be "indented" or not.
setAutoScaleAxisSet the margins at the two ends of the axis during auto-scaling, and whether to start the axis from zero.
setRoundingAxisControl whether to round the ends of the axis to align with tick positions.
setTickDensityAxisSet the density of the axis ticks.
setReverseAxisReverse the axis.
setLabelsAxisSet the text labels to be used on the axis.
setLabels2AxisSet the numeric/date/time labels to be used on the axis.
setLinearScaleAxisSet the axis to use the given linear scale.
setLinearScale2AxisSet the axis to use the given linear scale and the given labels.
setLinearScale3AxisSet the axis to use linear auto-scale.
setLogScaleAxisSet the axis to use the given logarithmic scale.
setLogScale2AxisSet the axis to use the given logarithmic scale and the given labels.
setLogScale3AxisSet the axis to use logarithmic auto-scale.
setDateScaleAxisSet the axis to use the given date scale.
setDateScale2AxisSet the axis to use the given date scale and the given labels.
setDateScale3AxisSet the axis to use date auto-scale.
addLabelAxisAdd an extra label on the axis.
addMarkAxisAdd a mark line to the chart.
addZoneAxisAdd a zone to the chart.
getMinValueAxisGet the lower bound of the axis.
getMaxValueAxisGet the upper bound of the axis.
getTicksAxisGet the values of the ticks.