This example illustrates the following ChartDirector features:
[File: phpdemo/dualxaxis.php".]
setPlotArea(50, 50, 200, 200);
#Add a title to the primary (left) y axis
$c->yAxis->setTitle("US Dollars");
#Set the tick length to -4 pixels (-ve means ticks inside the plot area)
#Add a title to the secondary (right) y axis
$yAxis2Obj = $c->yAxis2();
$yAxis2Obj->setTitle("HK Dollars (1 USD = 7.8 HKD)");
#Set the tick length to -4 pixels (-ve means ticks inside the plot area)
$yAxis2Obj = $c->yAxis2();
#Synchronize the y-axis such that y2 = 7.8 x y1
#Add a title to the bottom x axis
$c->xAxis->setTitle("Hong Kong Time");
#Set the x axis labels using the given labels
#Set the major tick length to -4 pixels and minor tick length to -2 pixels (-ve
#means ticks inside the plot area)
$c->xAxis->setTickLength2(-4, -2);
#Set the distance between the axis labels and the axis to 6 pixels
#Add a title to the top x-axis
$xAxis2Obj = $c->xAxis2();
$xAxis2Obj->setTitle("New York Time");
#Set the x-axis labels using the given labels
$xAxis2Obj = $c->xAxis2();
#Set the major tick length to -4 pixels and minor tick length to -2 pixels (-ve
#means ticks inside the plot area)
$xAxis2Obj = $c->xAxis2();
$xAxis2Obj->setTickLength2(-4, -2);
#Set the distance between the axis labels and the axis to 6 pixels
$xAxis2Obj = $c->xAxis2();
#Add a line layer to the chart with a line width of 2 pixels
$lineLayerObj = $c->addLineLayer($data0, -1, "Red Transactions");
#Add an area layer to the chart with no area boundary line
$areaLayerObj = $c->addAreaLayer($data1, -1, "Green Transactions");
#output the chart
header("Content-type: image/png");
?> |
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