ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)
License Agreement
You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using the
ChartDirector software. Your use of the ChartDirector software indicates your
acceptance of this license agreement. Do not use the ChartDirector software if
you do not agree with this license agreement.
Disclaimer of Warranty
The ChartDirector software and the accompanying files are distributed and
licensed "as is". Advanced Software Engineering Limited disclaims all
warranties, either express or implied, including, but not limited to implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Should the
ChartDirector software prove defective, the licensee assumes the risk of paying
the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction and any
incidental or consequential damages. In no event will Advanced Software
Engineering Limited be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without
limitation damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of
business information and the like) arising out of the use or the inability to
use the ChartDirector software even if Advanced Software Engineering Limited has
been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Intellectual Property
The ChartDirector software is protected by copyright laws and international
copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.
The ChartDirector software is licensed, not sold. Title to the ChartDirector
software shall at all times remain with Advanced Software Engineering Limited.
You agree not to modify, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise
attempt to derive source code from the ChartDirector software.
Trial Version
The trial version of the ChartDirector software will produce yellow banner
messages at the bottom of the chart images generated by it. You agree to not
remove, obscure, or alter this message.
Subjected to the conditions in this license agreement:
- You may use the unmodified trial version of the ChartDirector software
without charge.
- You may redistribute the unmodified trial version of the ChartDirector
software, provided you do not charge for it.
- You may embed the unmodified trial version of the ChartDirector software (or
part of it), in a product and distribute the product, provided you do not charge
for the product.
If you do not want the yellow banner messages appearing in the charts, or you
want to embed the ChartDirector software (or part of it) in a product that is
not free, you must purchase a commercial license to use the ChartDirector
software from Advanced Software Engineering Limited. Please refer to Advanced
Software Engineering's web site at
for details.
The ChartDirector software is developed using code from the Independent JPEG
Group and the FreeType team. Any software that is derived from the ChartDirector
software must include the following text in its documentation. This applies to
both the trial version of the ChartDirector software and to the commercial
version of the ChartDirector software.
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group
This software is based in part of the work of the FreeType Team
© 2004 Advanced Software Engineering Limited. All rights reserved.