The standard way to draw a pie chart in 3D is to view the chart from an inclined angle. Using this method, the surface of a 3D pie will become an ellipse.
ChartDirector supports an alternative way to draw a pie chart in 3D - to draw the 3D portion like a shadow. The 3D pie will remain perfectly circular, and the sector areas will correctly reflect its percentages.
The 3D drawing method is configured using
[File: phpdemo/shadowpie.php".]
setPieSize(50, 55, 36);
#Set the depth, tilt angle and 3D mode of the 3D pie (-1 means auto depth,
#"true" means the 3D effect is in shadow mode)
$c->set3D(-1, $angle, true);
#Add a title showing the shadow angle
$c->addTitle("Shadow @ $angle deg", "arial.ttf", 8);
#Set the pie data
#Disable the sector labels by setting the color to Transparent
$c->setLabelStyle("", 8, Transparent);
#output the chart
header("Content-type: image/png");
?> |
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