ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)

Symbol Line Chart

This example demonstrates using symbols to represent data points, and putting data labels on top of the symbols.

Note that this example uses a 1 x 2 pixel pattern as the title background.

Source Code Listing

[File: phpdemo/symbolline.php".]
<?php require_once("../lib/phpchartdir.php"); #The data for the line chart $data0 = array(60.2, 51.7, 81.3, 48.6, 56.2, 68.9, 52.8); $data1 = array(30.0, 32.7, 33.9, 29.5, 32.2, 28.4, 29.8); $labels = array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"); #Create a XYChart object of size 300 x 180 pixels, with a pale yellow (0xffffc0) #background, a black border, and 1 pixel 3D border effect. $c = new XYChart(300, 180, 0xffffc0, 0x0, 1); #Set the plotarea at (45, 35) and of size 240 x 120 pixels, with white #background. Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey #color (0xc0c0c0) $c->setPlotArea(45, 35, 240, 120, 0xffffff, -1, -1, 0xc0c0c0, -1); #Add a legend box at (45, 12) (top of the chart) using horizontal layout and 8 #pts Arial font Set the background and border color to Transparent. $legendObj = $c->addLegend(45, 12, false, "", 8); $legendObj->setBackground(Transparent); #Add a title to the chart using 9 pts Arial Bold/white font. Use a 1 x 2 bitmap #pattern as the background. $titleObj = $c->addTitle("Server Load (Jun 01 - Jun 07)", "arialbd.ttf", 9, 0xffffff); $titleObj->setBackground($c->patternColor(array(0x4000, 0x8000), 2)); #Set the y axis label format to nn% $c->yAxis->setLabelFormat("{value}%"); #Set the labels on the x axis $c->xAxis->setLabels($labels); #Add a line layer to the chart $layer = $c->addLineLayer(); #Add the first line. Plot the points with a 7 pixel square symbol $dataSetObj = $layer->addDataSet($data0, 0xcf4040, "Peak"); $dataSetObj->setDataSymbol(SquareSymbol, 7); #Add the second line. Plot the points with a 9 pixel dismond symbol $dataSetObj = $layer->addDataSet($data1, 0x40cf40, "Average"); $dataSetObj->setDataSymbol(DiamondSymbol, 9); #Enable data label on the data points. Set the label format to nn%. $layer->setDataLabelFormat("{value|0}%"); #output the chart header("Content-type: image/png"); print($c->makeChart2(PNG)); ?>