include ("../jpgraph.php");
include ("../jpgraph_gantt.php");
$graph = new GanttGraph(0,0,"auto");
// Add title and subtitle
$graph->title->Set("A nice main title");
$graph->subtitle->Set("(Draft version)");
// Show day, week and month scale
// Instead of week number show the date for the first day in the week
// on the week scale
// Make the week scale font smaller than the default
// Use the short name of the month together with a 2 digit year
// on the month scale
// Format the bar for the first activity
// ($row,$title,$startdate,$enddate)
$activity = new GanttBar(0,"Project","2001-12-21","2002-01-20");
// Yellow diagonal line pattern on a red background
// Finally add the bar to the graph
// Create a miletone
$milestone = new MileStone(2,"Milestone","2002-01-15","2002-01-15");
// ... and display it