function connect() {
if ( 0 == $this->Link_ID ) {
if($this->Debug) {
Connecting to $this->Database...
if (!$this->Link_ID) {
$this->halt("Link-ID == false " .
"($this->Link_ID), OCILogon failed");
if($this->Debug) {
Obtained the Link_ID: $this->Link_ID
function query($Query_String) {
/* No empty queries, please, since PHP4 chokes on them. */
if ($Query_String == "")
/* The empty query string is passed on from the constructor,
* when calling the class without a query, e.g. in situations
* like these: '$db = new DB_Sql_Subclass;'
return 0;
if(!$this->Parse) {
} else { OCIExecute($this->Parse);
if($this->Debug) {
printf("Debug: query = %s
\n", $Query_String);
if ($this->Error["code"]!=1403 && $this->Error["code"]!=0 && $this->sqoe)
echo "
Query :\"$Query_String\"";
return $this->Parse;
function next_record() {
if(0 == OCIFetchInto($this->Parse,$result,OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
if ($this->Debug) {
ID: %d,Rows: %d
$this->Row +=1;
if(1403 == $errno) { # 1043 means no more records found
} else {
if($this->Debug) {
Error: %s",
} else {
for($ix=1;$ix<=OCINumcols($this->Parse);$ix++) {
$this->Record[ "$colreturn" ] = $result["$col"];
if($this->Debug) echo"[$col]:".$result["$col"]."
return $stat;
function seek($pos) {
function metadata($table,$full=false) {
$count = 0;
$id = 0;
$res = array();
* Due to compatibility problems with Table we changed the behavior
* of metadata();
* depending on $full, metadata returns the following values:
* - full is false (default):
* $result[]:
* [0]["table"] table name
* [0]["name"] field name
* [0]["type"] field type
* [0]["len"] field length
* [0]["flags"] field flags ("NOT NULL", "INDEX")
* [0]["format"] precision and scale of number (eg. "10,2") or empty
* [0]["index"] name of index (if has one)
* [0]["chars"] number of chars (if any char-type)
* - full is true
* $result[]:
* ["num_fields"] number of metadata records
* [0]["table"] table name
* [0]["name"] field name
* [0]["type"] field type
* [0]["len"] field length
* [0]["flags"] field flags ("NOT NULL", "INDEX")
* [0]["format"] precision and scale of number (eg. "10,2") or empty
* [0]["index"] name of index (if has one)
* [0]["chars"] number of chars (if any char-type)
* ["meta"][field name] index of field named "field name"
* The last one is used, if you have a field name, but no index.
* Test: if (isset($result['meta']['myfield'])) {} ...
## This is a RIGHT OUTER JOIN: "(+)", if you want to see, what
## this query results try the following:
## $table = new Table; $db = new my_DB_Sql; # you have to make
## # your own class
## $table->show_results($db->query(see query vvvvvv))
$this->query("SELECT T.table_name,T.column_name,T.data_type,".
" WHERE T.column_name=I.column_name (+)".
" AND T.table_name=I.table_name (+)".
" AND T.table_name=UPPER('$table') ORDER BY T.column_id");
while ($this->next_record()) {
$res[$i]["table"] = $this->Record[table_name];
$res[$i]["name"] = strtolower($this->Record[column_name]);
$res[$i]["type"] = $this->Record[data_type];
$res[$i]["len"] = $this->Record[data_length];
if ($this->Record[index_name]) $res[$i]["flags"] = "INDEX ";
$res[$i]["flags"] .= ( $this->Record[nullable] == 'N') ? '' : 'NOT NULL';
$res[$i]["format"]= (int)$this->Record[data_precision].",".
if ("0,0"==$res[$i]["format"]) $res[$i]["format"]='';
$res[$i]["index"] = $this->Record[index_name];
$res[$i]["chars"] = $this->Record[char_col_decl_length];
if ($full) {
$res["meta"][$j] = $i;
$res["meta"][strtoupper($j)] = $i;
if ($full) $res["meta"][$res[$i]["name"]] = $i;
if ($full) $res["num_fields"]=$i;
# $this->disconnect();
return $res;
function affected_rows() {
return $this->num_rows();
function num_rows() {
return OCIrowcount($this->Parse);
function num_fields() {
return OCINumcols($this->Parse);
function nf() {
return $this->num_rows();
function np() {
print $this->num_rows();
function f($Name) {
if (is_object($this->Record[$Name]))
return $this->Record[$Name]->load();
} else
return $this->Record[$Name];
function p($Name) {
print $this->f($Name);
function nextid($seqname)
$Query_ID=@ociparse($this->Link_ID,"SELECT $seqname.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL");
$Query_ID=ociparse($this->Link_ID,"CREATE SEQUENCE $seqname");
nextid() function - unable to create sequence
} else
$Query_ID=ociparse($this->Link_ID,"SELECT $seqname.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL");
if (ocifetch($Query_ID))
$next_id = ociresult($Query_ID,"NEXTVAL");
} else
$next_id = 0;
return $next_id;
function disconnect() {
if($this->Debug) {
function halt($msg) {
printf("Database error: %s
\n", $msg);
printf("ORACLE Error: %s
die("Session halted.");
function lock($table, $mode = "write") {
if ($mode == "write") {
$Parse=OCIParse($this->Link_ID,"lock table $table in row exclusive mode");
} else {
$result = 1;
return $result;
function unlock() {
return $this->query("commit");
function table_names() {
SELECT table_name,tablespace_name
FROM user_tables");
while ($this->next_record())
$info[$i]["table_name"] =$this->Record["table_name"];
return $info;
function add_specialcharacters($query)
return str_replace("'","''",$query);
function split_specialcharacters($query)
return str_replace("''","'",$query);