/* public: show current menu
function show() {
print $this->get();
function get() {
global $PHP_SELF;
# Determine normalized current position in tree
$this->map = $this->normalize_pos($PHP_SELF);
# Determine menu levels up from current position
$r = $this->split_path($this->map);
# set up the visible menu items
# create them
$str = "";
$start = $this->nomain?1:0;
$len = count($this->visible);
$oldlevel = 0;
$str .= $this->start_menu();
for($i=$start; $i<$len; $i++) {
$level = count(explode("/", $this->visible[$i]));
if ($level > $oldlevel)
$str .= $this->shift_in($oldlevel, $level);
if ($level < $oldlevel)
$str .= $this->shift_out($oldlevel, $level);
$oldlevel = $level;
$str .= $this->get_cell($i, $level, $this->class);
$str .= $this->end_menu();
return $str;
/* public: show a single menu cell
function get_cell($n, $level, $class = "") {
$bold = ($this->visible[$n] == $this->map);
for ($i=1; $i<$level; $i++)
$dent .= " ";
if ($this->item[$this->visible[$n]]["pseudo"]) {
} else {
$str = sprintf("%s%s%s%s
$class?" class=$class":"",
$bold? '[':"",
$bold? "]":""
return $str;
/* public: build the title of the page based on
its location in the menu hierarchy. */
function get_title() {
global $PHP_SELF;
# Determine normalized current position in tree
$this->map = $this->normalize_pos($PHP_SELF);
# Determine menu levels up from current position
$r = $this->split_path($this->map);
while(list($a, $b) = each($r)) {
if ($this->title)
$this->title .= $this->title_delim;
$this->title .= $this->item[$b]["title"];
return $this->title;
function shift_in($oldlevel, $level) { ; }
function shift_out($oldlevel, $level) { ; }
function start_menu() { ; }
function end_menu() { ; }
/* private: normalize current menu position
function normalize_pos($pos) {
if ( $m = $this->urlmap[basename($pos)] )
$m = $pos;
while(substr($m, 0, 1)) {
if ($this->urlmap[$m])
$m = dirname($m);
return $this->urlmap[$m];
/* private: split a path /2/2 into components "", /2, /2/2
function split_path($p) {
$path = "";
$r = explode("/", $p);
while(list($k, $v) = each($r)) {
if ($v)
$path .= "/$v";
$res[] = $path;
return $res;
/* private: set up the visible array.
function find_visible($r) {
# at each level, add current children to visible
$len = count($r);
$this->visible= array();
for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
# if current level has children, add them...
if (is_array($this->children[$r[$i]]) ) {
while(list($k, $v) = each($this->children[$r[$i]])) {
$this->visible[] = $v;
if (isset($this->item[$v][pseudo]) &&
while (list(,$w) = each($this->item[$v][pseudo])) {
# Order menu items for display
/* private: find children of each menu item
function setup() {
while(list($k, $v) = each($this->urlmap)) {
$base = dirname($v);
$this->children[$base][] = $v;
$this->item[$v]["url"] = $k;