# # This only works for MySQL, since I don't have any other database. # You'll need to change it as necessary. # Before running this script you must create the auth_user_md5 table. # Check out create_auth_md5.mysql, which is the proper SQL to create # the table. # Please set up DB_Example (or a subclass) in the php/local.inc file # first, as I depend on it. Configure for your site: $database_class = "DB_Example"; ## Class for login credentials $from_table = "auth_user"; ## Table with current users $to_table = "auth_user_md5"; ## New table to make $clear_to_first = 1; ## Delete auth table first ##################################################################### $db = new $database_class; $db2 = new $database_class; if ($clear_to_first) { $db->query(sprintf("delete from %s", $to_table)); } echo "Converting $from_table to $to_table...
"; $db->query(sprintf("select user_id, username, perms, password from %s", $from_table) ); while($db->next_record()) { $uid = $db->f("user_id"); $user = $db->f("username"); $perm = $db->f("perms"); $pass = $db->f("password"); $newpass = md5($pass); $db2->query(sprintf("insert into %s (user_id, username, perms, password)" . "values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $to_table, $uid, $user, $perm, $newpass)); echo "Converted $user...
"; } echo "Conversion complete.
"; ?>