Changelog Version 2.3 - Rewritten the moveStep function to reduce much traffic if set a large numer of max steps Changelog Version 2.2 - Rewritten progress bar position functions to fix a style bug - Added the addButton() function to display a Label with Button - Added the setBarColor(), setBarBackground() and setLabelColor(), setLabelBackground() functions to change the colors at any time. Changelog Version 2.1 - Rewritten the JavaScript code into functions for better overview and also to reduce traffic - Added the moveMin() and moveNext() functions to restart the bar or move it to the next step - Added the setFrame() function to display a nice window like Frame around the progress bar - Added the addLabel(), setLabelPosition(), setLabelFont() and setLabelValue() functions to display different Labels like step, percent, crossbar or text. Changelog Version 2.0: - Rewritten the JavaScript and DHTML code to generate valid HTML 4.01 strict code - Added the setDirection() function to move the progress bar in all directions - Added the hideBar() and unhideBar() functions to hide or unhide the progress bar