ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)
Argument | Default | Description |
b | (Mandatory) | An array of numbers providing the x coordinates of the data points in the ArrayMath object. |
smoothness | 0.25 | The smoothness factor. It must be between 0 - 1. It is the portion of points used in finding the n nearest points. In other words, n = smoothness * no_of_points. A larger value will result in a smoother the curve. A smaller value will result in the curve tracking the data points better. For LOWESS to have any smoothing effect at all, n must be at least 3. You may need to use a large smoothness factor if you only have a few data points. |
iteration | 0 | The number of additional iteration used in the LOWESS algorithm. Unless your data is extremely noisy, in most case no additional iteration is necessary. |
Return Value