Set the gap between the bars in a bar chart layer.
In the setBarGap method, the gap between the bars is expressed as the portion of the space between the bars. For example, a bar gap of 0.2 means 20% of the distance between two adjacent bars is the gap between the bars.
A bar gap of 0 means there is no gap in between the bars. The bar gap can be negative. In this case, the bars will overlap. The pre-defined constant
TouchBar ( = -1.7E-100) means the bars will "touch", that is, the bar borders overlap, so two adjacent bars will share the same border.
For multi-bar layers (bar layers using the
Side data combine method, or for stacked bar layers with multiple data groups),
barGap refers to the portion of the space between bar groups, while
subBarGap refers to the portion of the space between bars within the bar group.
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