ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)

Area Charts

Simple Area ChartDemonstrates the basic steps in creating area charts.
Enhanced Area ChartExtends the Simple Area Chart example by decorating the chart using a number of chart formatting features.
3D Area ChartIllustrates 3D area style.
Pattern Area ChartDemostrates using a pattern for filling the area in an area chart, together with a number of chart formatting features.
Stacked Area ChartDemonstrates using multiple data sets to create stacked area chart.
3D Stacked Area ChartDemonstrates creating a stacked area chart with 3D effects.
Percentage Area ChartDemonstrates creating a percentage area chart. Also demonstrates how to include icons in the legend box using CDML.
Depth Area ChartIllustrates using multiple area layers with semi-transparent colors to create a depth area chart.
Rotated Area ChartDemonstrates swapping the x and y axes to produce an rotated area chart in which the area goes from left to right (instead of bottom to top).