ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)

Introduction to Clickable Charts

ChartDirector creates charts as images in PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP or WBMP format. These images are incorporated into HTML web pages by using <IMG> tags. In HTML, an image can be made "clickable" by using an "image map" to define the "hot spots" on the image. An "image map" is defined using <MAP> and <AREA> tags.

The "hot spots" defined can response to mouse events like ordinary HTML links or buttons. These events include mouse clicks, and other mouse events such as "onMouseOver" or "onMouseOut". The "hot spots" can also be used to show tool tips or to activate client-side Javascripts.

ChartDirector can automatically generate image maps for the charts it produces, thereby making the charts clickable. ChartDirector can generate image maps for the data contents of the chart (that is, bars for bar charts, sectors for pie charts, areas for area charts, etc.), for the legend keys, title boxes, or custom text boxes.

ChartDirector image maps are "open-ended". That means developers can add custom image map entries (<AREA> tags). For example, one can create custom clickable buttons or custom clickable shapes or logos in the chart by drawing them and then defining image maps for them.

Clickable charts are most often used to produce charts that have "drill down" or "zoom in" capabilities. For example, a pie chart could be created such that when a user clicks on the sectors, the browser will load another web page containing a more detail chart regarding that sector. Similarly, a day-of-week bar chart could be created such that when a user clicks on a bar, the browser will load an hour-of-day chart for the day that the user has clicked.

ngineering Limited. All rights reserved. charts. It is a subclass of BaseChart. Sector The Sector class represents sectors.

XY Charts Related

XYChart The XYChart class represents XY charts. The XYChart class is a subclass of BaseChart.
PlotArea The PlotArea class represents plot areas in XY charts.
Axis The Axis class represents x and y axes in XY charts.
Mark The Mark class represents mark lines. It is a subclass of TextBox. Mark objects are created using Axis.addMark.
Layer The Layer class is the base class for all XYChart layer classes.
BarLayer The BarLayer class represents bar layers. BarLayer is a subclass of Layer.
LineLayer The LineLayer class represents line layers. LineLayer is a subclass of Layer.
SplineLayer The SplineLayer class represents spline layers. SplineLayer is a subclass of LineLayer.
StepLineLayer The StepLineLayer class represents step line layers. StepLineLayer is a subclass of LineLayer.
TrendLayer The TrendLayer class represents trend layers. TrendLayer is a subclass Layer.
InterLineLayer The InterLineLayer class represents interline layers. InterLineLayer is a subclass of Layer.
ScatterLayer The ScatterLayer class represents scatter layers. ScatterLayer is a subclass of Layer.
AreaLayer The AreaLayer class represents area layers. AreaLayer is a subclass of Layer.
HLOCLayer The HLOCLayer class represents high-low-open-close layers. HLOCLayer is a subclass of Layer.
CandleStickLayer The CandleStickLayer class represents candlestick layers. CandleStickLayer is a subclass of Layer.
BoxWhiskerLayer The BoxWhiskerLayer class represents box-whisker layers. BoxWhiskerLayer is a subclass of Layer.
DataSet The DataSet class represents data sets.

Polar Charts Related

PolarChart The PolarChart class represents polar charts (including radar charts). The PolarChart class is a subclass of BaseChart.
RadialAxis The RadialAxis class represents radial axes in polar charts. The radial axis is the axis representing the radius component of a polar coordinate.
AngularAxis The AngularAxis class represents angular axes in polar charts. The angular axis is the axis representing the angular component of a polar coordinate.
PolarLayer The PolarLayer class is the base class for all PolarChart layer classes.
PolarLineLayer The PolarLineLayer class represents polar area layers. PolarLineLayer is a subclass of PolarLayer.
PolarAreaLayer The PolarAreaLayer class represents polar area layers. PolarAreaLayer is a subclass of PolarLayer.
PolarSplineLineLayer The PolarSplineLineLayer class represents polar spline line layers. PolarSplineLineLayer is a subclass of PolarLineLayer.
PolarSplineAreaLayer The PolarSplineAreaLayer class represents polar spline area layers. PolarSplineAreaLayer is a subclass of PolarAreaLayer.

Graphics Primitives

DrawArea The DrawArea class represents drawing surfaces, with methods for performing graphics primitives (such as drawing lines, shapes and texts) and the surfaces.
TTFText The TTFText class represents text blocks.

Utility Classes

ArrayMath The ArrayMath class is a utility class used to perform array computations.
RanTable RanTable is a utility class to produce tables with random numbers.

3, '1999-07-01', '420', '764', '408');