ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)

Bar Charts

Simple Bar ChartDemonstrates the basic steps in creating bar charts.
3D Bar ChartExtends the Simple Bar Chart example by drawing the chart to 3D, and adding titles to the chart and the axes.
Multi-Color Bar ChartDemonstrates creating a multi-color bar chart, in which each bar has a different color. This chart uses a metallic background color.
Stacked Bar ChartDemonstrates creating a stacked bar chart, completed with bar labels and legend box.
Percentage Bar ChartDemonstrates creating a percentage bar chart. Also demonstrates how to include icons in the legend box using CDML.
Multi-Bar ChartIllustrates a multi-bar chart, in which bars are clustered together. Also illustrates using alternative colors as plot area background, and putting legends internal to the plot area.
Multi-Stacked Bar ChartDemonstrates combining stacked bar style with multi-bar style. Also illustrates embedding icons in axis labels using CDML, customizing legend keys and bar labels, and controlling bar width.
Depth Bar ChartIllustrates using multiple bar layers with semi-transparent colors to create a depth bar chart.
Positive Negative BarsDemonstrates a bar chart containing positive and negative data, represented by different colors.
Borderless Bar ChartDemonstrates a horizontal bar chart with invisible axes and plot area, using a gradient color for the bars, and a number of other ChartDirector features.
Dual Horizontal Bar ChartsDemonstrates combining two horizontal bar charts of opposite direction using a MultiChart, and a number of other ChartDirector features.
Pareto ChartDemonstrates the pareto chart style.
Bar GapDemonstrates the effects of different bar gaps configured using BarLayer.setBarGap.

04 Advanced Software Engineering Limited. All rights reserved. artDirector test the "too small" condition using the formula:

maxDataValue * zeroAffinity < minDataValue

where zeroAffinity by default is 0.8.

Similar "zero affinity" mechanism applies to the top end of the axis for a purely negative axis. If the data range contains both positive and negative values, the zero point is always included.

The zeroAffinity argument of the setAutoScale method allows you to modify the zero affinity when performing auto-scaling. Zero affinity should be between 0 and 1. A large value encourages ChartDirector to start the axis from zero.

A zero affinity of 1 means the axis always includes the zero point. A zero affinity of 0 means that the axis is scaled purely according to the data range, without any preference for the zero point.

Note that zero affinity is ignored for log scale axis as log scale axis cannot contain 0.


topExtension0.1The top portion of the axis that no data point should fall into. For example, a value of 0.2 means no data value will fall within the top 20% of the axis. The topExtension must be between 0 to 1.
bottomExtension0.1The bottom portion of the axis that no data point should fall into. For example, a value of 0.2 means no data value will fall within the bottom 20% of the axis. The bottomExtension must be between 0 to 1.
zeroAffinity0.8The tendency of ChartDirector to include zero in the axis during auto-scaling. The value must be between 0 and 1. A large value encourages ChartDirector to start the axis from zero. A value of 1 means the axis always includes the zero point. A value of 0 means there is no preference for the zero point during auto-scaling.

Return Value


tr>movMed(Self)Replace each element of the ArrayMath object by its moving median.movPercentile(Self)Replace each element of the ArrayMath object by its moving percentile.movMax(Self)Replace each element of the ArrayMath object by its moving maximum.movMin(Self)Replace each element of the ArrayMath object by its moving minimum.movStdDev(Self)Replace each element of the ArrayMath object by its moving standard deviation.movCorr(Self)Replace each element of the ArrayMath object by the moving correlation with another array or with itself.lowess(Self)Fit a curve through the data points in the ArrayMath object using the LOWESS algorithm.lowess2(Self)Fit a curve through the data points in the ArrayMath object using the LOWESS algorithm, where the spacing of the data points is supplied by the given array.result(Self)Get the content of the ArrayMath object as a normal array to be used in other ChartDirector API.max(Self)Get the maximum value of the elements of the ArrayMath object.min(Self)Get the minimum value of the elements of the ArrayMath object.avg(Self)Get the average value of the elements of the ArrayMath object.sum(Self)Get the total value of the elements of the ArrayMath the median value of the elements of the ArrayMath object.percentile(Self)Get the required percentile value of the elements of the ArrayMath object.maxIndex(Self)Get the index of the maximum value element of the ArrayMath object.minIndex(Self)Get the index of the minimum value element of the ArrayMath object.
(1059, '1999-03-01', '371', '635', '722');