Title | Description |
Simple Bar Chart | Demonstrates the basic steps in creating bar charts. |
3D Bar Chart | Extends the Simple Bar Chart example by drawing the chart to 3D, and adding titles to the chart and the axes. |
Multi-Color Bar Chart | Demonstrates creating a multi-color bar chart, in which each bar has a different color. This chart uses a metallic background color. |
Stacked Bar Chart | Demonstrates creating a stacked bar chart, completed with bar labels and legend box. |
Percentage Bar Chart | Demonstrates creating a percentage bar chart. Also demonstrates how to include icons in the legend box using CDML. |
Multi-Bar Chart | Illustrates a multi-bar chart, in which bars are clustered together. Also illustrates using alternative colors as plot area background, and putting legends internal to the plot area. |
Multi-Stacked Bar Chart | Demonstrates combining stacked bar style with multi-bar style. Also illustrates embedding icons in axis labels using CDML, customizing legend keys and bar labels, and controlling bar width. |
Depth Bar Chart | Illustrates using multiple bar layers with semi-transparent colors to create a depth bar chart. |
Positive Negative Bars | Demonstrates a bar chart containing positive and negative data, represented by different colors. |
Borderless Bar Chart | Demonstrates a horizontal bar chart with invisible axes and plot area, using a gradient color for the bars, and a number of other ChartDirector features. |
Dual Horizontal Bar Charts | Demonstrates combining two horizontal bar charts of opposite direction using a MultiChart, and a number of other ChartDirector features. |
Pareto Chart | Demonstrates the pareto chart style. |
Bar Gap | Demonstrates the effects of different bar gaps configured using BarLayer.setBarGap. |