ChartDirector Ver 3.1 (PHP Edition Edition)


Simple Line ChartDemonstrates the basic steps in creating line charts.
Enhanced Line ChartExtends the Simple Line Chart example by decorating the chart using a number of chart formatting features.
3D Line ChartIllustrates 3D line style.
Multi-Line ChartDemonstrates a chart with multiple lines of different styles.
Symbol Line ChartDemonstrates using symbols to represent data points, and putting data labels on top of the symbols.
Spline Line ChartDemonstrates using spline curves to join data points, as well as a number of advanced chart formatting techniques.
Step Line ChartDemonstrates joining data points with steps. Also demonstrates irregularly spaced data points on a true date/time axis.
Line ComparisonDemonstrates filling the area between two lines (including spline curves). Also demonstrates a number of advanced chart formatting techniques.
Line with Error SymbolsDemonstrates how to combine a line layer with a box-whisker layer to draw a line with error symbols.
Custom SymbolsDemonstrates using external image files as data symbols.
Rotated Line ChartDemonstrates swapping the x and y axes to produce a rotated line chart in which the line goes from top to bottom (instead of left to right).
Arbitrary XY Line ChartDemonstrates drawing a line chart with arbitrary x coordinates (not monotonically increasing or decreasing), and add custom data labels to data points.
Discontinuous LinesDemonstrates one way of handling missing (NoValue) data points in line charts - by drawing the lines as discontinuous. Also demonstrates vertical zones, and custom text boxes at dynamically determined coordinates.